About Eclipse Graphics
We (used to) design crap such as logos, branding, banners, and more.
We prefer skeuomorphic design, like this website, but we can also do flat design. We used Figma and Photoshop. While most of the designs made there survive today (and are archived), the *source files* were lost a long time ago when error.not.found got a new computer. Since then (post-Eclipse Graphics) he makes sure to archive projects and their source files in the cloud (mega.nz). He is also considering getting an external drive for design archival in case mega.nz gets shut down.
In early 2021, error.not.found was somewhat decent at creating designs. At that point, he didn't even have a website. The only thing he made was a flyer. Later on, there was a meme going around about the "oversimplification of logos". error.not.found noticed that he (and the majority) preferred the older logos, and because of it, he decided to start his own graphic design "firm" around March. It was called Credia Graphics. It was a slow start, and the only 2 clients were R3n (now K4sum1) and his friend.
Eventually, it fell silent and or several months no one really cared about it. error.not.found then thought of "merging" Credia Graphics with Eclipse. He discussed with merging and it was successful. The website was created, and on August 10th 2021, the website became public, and not long after, error.not.found switched from Pixlr to Figma. Eventually, NWinXP asked about joining Eclipse Graphics, and on Nov 14, he joined Eclipse Graphics.History continues here.